Cadillac Repair: 1989 fleetwood heater problems, engine coolant, fan light

QUESTION: My 89 Fleetwood Cadi has started having heating problems. First, the heater would start blowing cold air when I slow to a red light. Then the "engine coolant fan" light would come on and off intermittenly. The other day it came on and stayed on and the heat stays blowing cold air now. I filled the radiator all the way up the day before it happened. I get E30 and E98 codes in the fuel window.

ANSWER: The E30 and E39 have nothing to do with your heat.

E-mail: [email protected]

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you but does the fan light have anything to do with the heater blowing cold air?


What you need is pictures and directives e-mailed to you along with test procedures.

As this site is NOT mine and they only allow ONE picture, It is very difficult to have you perform test procedures via pictures.

You need to e-mail: [email protected]