Cadillac Repair: 1988 Deville no heat, temperature thermostat, volt ohm meter

QUESTION: hi, i live in MN and it is below zero, I wasnt getting hot air from the heater, so i replaced the thermostat, its warmer then what it was, but really doesnt heat the car up. any thoughts or helpful info would be very appreciated
Happy Holidays

ANSWER: What temperature thermostat did you put in the engine ?. a 180 degrees ?.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: 190 degrees

If you are mechanicaly inclined or know of someone who is, You will need a DIGITAL VOLT/OHM METER, Simple electrical schematics, Test procedures and picture locations of the components within the system that is causing you problems of which can't be done on this website which only allows one picture. I do not have a website so you will have to e-mail: [email protected] in order to obtain the information.