Cadillac Repair: Cadillac Devill compressor, volt ohm meter, cadillac devill

QUESTION: 2001 Deville a/c will not turn on. Compressor will not spin. Fooling around shutting car off and a/c heat off then back on made the compressor turn on for a few seconds. All fuses are good. There has been no recent work to car to expect error. Heater works and all other functions work properly. A/c was working properly blowing cold air without any noises from compressor.

ANSWER: It is most likely that you either have a leak in the AC system or depending upon where you live, It is to cold for the AC to engage.

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QUESTION: system was refilled today at the shop and it was down about a pound. This did not solve problem. Here in South Carolina it has been in mid 70's to 80 all week. The a/c was working as it should and then after starting the car back up it was not working,

ANSWER: IS or has the CHECK ENGINE light ever illuminated on the dash ?. Is it illuminated NOW with the engine running ?.

Are there any messages in the message center ?.

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QUESTION: check engine light seems fine. Light goes on when key is turned on then goes off when started. No message in message center.

If you are mechanicaly inclined or know of someone who is, You will need a DIGITAL VOLT/OHM METER, Simple electrical schematics, Test procedures and picture locations of the components within the system that is causing you problems of which can't be done on this website which only allows one picture. I do not have a website so you will have to e-mail: [email protected] in order to obtain the information.