Cadillac Repair: heater, heater hoses, heater hose
QuestionThe heater in my 94 Fleetwood doesn't get very warm. The blower is working in
all speeds. One of the heater hoses that passes through the firewall is very hot
while the other is barely warm. Where should I begin to look for the problem?
AnswerThe first thing to do is flush out the heater core by removing the 2 hoses and put a MARK on each hose so you know whih hose goes where when you go to put them back ON.
Buy some heater hose about 6' and cut it in half and install one hose on each pipe at the firewall where you disconnected the original heater hoses and use you garden hose water and flush the heater core backwards by putting the garden hose onto the heater hose that was the WARMER hose when you originally touched the original hoses and see if any residue comes out of the other hose. If it does, Flush it out until the water runs clean and then re-install your original heater hoses and see if this takes care of the problem.
If NOT, Let me know.