Cadillac Repair: Cadillac Catera A/C Heater Control / heated seats, cadillac catera, dash unit
QuestionHello, A/C Heater control panel in my Catera does not turns on/response/lights up, nothing. The fuses are OK, just checked them. What could be the problem? I’ve been advised to replace the A/c heater control in-dash unit, could it help? Or the problem might be at different place?
AnswerFIRST I need the YEAR of the vehicle. Your problem may NOT be the dash unit. It could be a fault in the AC/Heater programmer or a fault in the SERIAL LINE of which controls all the instrumentation.
If you are mechanicaly inclined or know of someone who is, You will need a DIGITAL MULTIMETER, Simple electrical schematics, Test procedures and picture locations of the components within the system that is causing you problems of which can't be done on this website which only allows one picture. I do not have a website so you will have to e-mail:
[email protected] in order to obtain the information.