Cadillac Repair: cadilloac transmission, cadillac service, gm dealers

hey captain my question is i get this service transmission sign in my car and i look for the transmission cap tp change but i cant find it i have a 1996 cadillac and it also says service smissions test to but it been saying that since i had the car but what can i do to get my car back normal atleast till i get tyhe money to have it repaired  and it also sits to low for me how can i raise the rear up

Hi Kenneth,

Normally I wouldn't answer questions in this are, but I have been working on this old stuff long enough, I will see if I can help you.
If you cannot find a trans dipstick, you have a closed system, usually serviceable by GM dealers only, but you can check with your local Valvoline, Quaker or other lube store if they can do it.
Usually a certain mileage sets off a service trans light and emissions light. Both can be shut off by servicing. Some had a button on the speedo cluster in the rear, not easily accessible. You might be able to find this info at your local library if you can find a 1996 Cadillac service manual.

As for your rear hanging. That is your automatic load level system not working. Could be air leak in rear. Could be a compressor under the hood not working. Check your owners manual to find out where the compressor fuse is and check it.

Hope all this was helpful from a old Caddy lover
