QuestionQUESTION: The car has done this to me a few times in the past but has always ended up starting after it sat for a while but over the last two weeks it has done it more frequently. This is what happens. I drive the car for an hour or so turn it off and then go to turn it back on and it wont start. I have no dash lights. I Jumpered the starter and it would crank over but would not start. After car sat over night it started. Checked and cleaned all fuses and cleaned keys. When I jumpered the starter it would run for about 2 seconds, each time I would turn the key off and turn the key back on, jumper the starter under the hood and again it would run for about 2 seconds and then die. When all this was going on the vehicle had no dash lights, everything else on the car would work, such as windows, stereo, headlights. As suggested I ran a large gauge ground wire from the motor to the firewall. The dash lit up and said monitoring systems then it went into monitored systems okay and then blacked out and blinked on and off 3 to 4 times. This happened before ground wire was installed and has happened since I installed the ground wire. I started the car on and off and everything seemed okay but then the other night the car wouldn't start at work. Tried multiple times and finally car started. Had no dash lights, all that was on was a service engine light, everything worked except heater controls. After I shut the car off at home it would not restart. Checked all fuses and all relays. Tried jumping starter with ignition, started 2 seconds and then died. would not start again. Waited until morning and car started. tried to read the codes, checked all the connections that I know to check.
As instructed I accessed the codes, what came up was E052-history, I052-history, NO ACP CODES, R061-history, ECM? . I have noticed on the climate control that it can be set at 85 or 90 and the dash lights will flash and reset to 75. Accessing the codes was very difficult, the dash lights flashed on and off and I had to start over many times. When the engine is running the dash is not flashing on and off like in the past. Went in and took out the Rap relay and the enable relay, tested them, put them back in the car and car now starts.
If you think it could be a fault in the computer, central power supply, or the instrument cluster, what should I do next?
Could it have anything to do with the starter enable relay module or the passkey decode module?
Thanks, Steve
ANSWER: If the digital display will stay illuminated when the engine is running, Go ahead and check for CODES with the engine running.. If you get new codes let me know what they are. If the old codes still appear, CLEAR them from the computer and push AUTO to get out of diagnostics, Wait 30 seconds and see if any new codes appaer.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Cleared the codes with the engine running. No new codes came up. Can now access codes with engine off. Display flickered a couple of times with engine off only. Car starting up for now. ???? now what do we do? Steve
AnswerYou could remove the flickering cluster and test the input voltages that illuminate the cluster and see if you can get the meter to fluctuate on a certain circuit and then let me know which circuit has flickering voltage and I can tell you where the circuit comes from.
If you are mechanicaly inclined or know of someone who is, You will need a DIGITAL MULTIMETER, Simple electrical schematics, Test procedures and picture locations of the components within the system that is causing you problems of which can't be done on this website which only allows one picture. I do not have a website so you will have to e-mail:
[email protected] in order to obtain the information.