Cadillac Repair: 1992 cadillac brom 5.7L, fuel mileage, driveability problems
Questionhesitate on take off has a slight knock and does not has the same power when first got it replace the EGR valve and PCM still has problem
AnswerIS or HAS the CHECK ENGINE light ever illuminated while driving the vehicle and or has any other lights illuminated or any messages from the message display center ?.
What work or diagnostics of ANYKIND WHAT-SO-EVER have been performed on the vehicle trying to fix this problem ?.
Depending upon what is causing the knocking noise it is highly probable that the KNOCK SENSOR is hearing this knocking and is trying to adjust the timing in order to eliminate the knocking noise which will cause severe driveability problems such as low fuel mileage, hesitation, No get up and go.
Have someone drive and diagnose the knocking noise.