Cadillac Repair: 97 deville not star, battery cables, cadillac deville

QUESTION: i have a 1997 cadillac deville and im having problems with getting it started. the engine will not turn or crank. starter is getting 12 volts and all y fuses are good. when turning the key all i here is a click coming from the starter. all this started happening when my battery died and i went to go get a new battery and now the car will not start.
this are de codes with history .
ipc-b1552/ b1983/b2711/u1088/u1040/u1152
thanks in advance  P.S. please sent pic to remove starter.

ANSWER: The FIRST thing you need to do is CLEAR (erase) ALL these codes from the computers via using the climate control panel or by taking it to any auto parts store and they will put their scanner on it and CLEAR (erase) ALL the codes.

After ALL the codes are CLEARED, Drive the car and see which codes return and tell me if they return as History or Current codes.

After each code displays, IF any return, the word HISTORY or CURRENT will appear.

I need to know which CODES, If any, Are HISTORY or CURRENT.

You cannot clear the codes by removing battery cables or pulling fuses, You MUST use the climate control panel or use a scanner.

Are you POSITIVE that the clicking noise you are hearing is coming from the starter or is the clicking noise coming from the starter relay behind the glove box on the passengers side ?.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: the clicking noise is coming from the starter.
we also checked behind the glovebox and could not find any relay.
the engine will not rotate.
thanks for your help.
p.s. can you send pictures?

What size engine do you have ?.

picture locations of the components within the system that is causing you problems of which can't be done on this website which only allows one picture. I do not have a website so you will have to e-mail: [email protected] in order to obtain the information.