Cadillac Repair: Stalling 1998 Deville, throttle plate, gas tank

QUESTION: My 98 Deville (Northstar)has been stalling while entering off ramps.  Car is always warm, 40 to 50 MPH, foot on the brake and turning right(cloverleaf).  I put in neutral and she starts right up.  This has happened 5 times this summer with no stored codes ....any ideas?

ANSWER: You most likely have the common problem of a carbon deposit residue buildup on the throttle plate and surrounding the throttle plate that is preventing the throttle plate from closing all the way thus stalling the engine.

You need to clean this residue off of the se areas.

If you are mechanicaly inclined or know of someone who is, You will need simple electrical schematics, Test procedures and picture locations of the components within the system that is causing you problems of which can't be done on this website which only allows one picture. I do not have a website so you will have to e-mail: [email protected] in order to obtain the information.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Throttle plate was dirty...after only 30K since the last cleaning.  It's really clean now, and she stalled again this morning after a 30 mile drive.  Every stall same speed, turning right, foot on brake exiting off ramp.  I'm thinking either IAC or EGR being gummed up and needing cleaning...thoughts?

Have you noticed if it ddoes this stalling when the gas tank is at full or near empty ?.

I would perform an EGR cleaning process and check the IAC.

Has ANYONE adjusted ANYTHING as far as engine idle speed trying to fix this fault ?.

IS or HAS the CHECK ENGINE light ever illuminated while driving the vehicle and or has any other lights illuminated or any messages from the message display center ?.

What work or diagnostics of ANYKIND WHAT-SO-EVER have been performed on the vehicle trying to fix this problem ?.