Cadillac Repair: extended warrenty, warranty companies, warranty company

Should I buy an extended warranty?I just bought a 2002 deville.46,000 miles.Its in great shape.I will only put about 5,000 miles ayear on it.What is the most often repair needed at this mileage?

The most often needed repair on a Cadillac is the engine. If you are thinking about purchasing an extended warranty. Make sure that you purchase the extended warranty ONLY if it is an actual GM manufacturer's warranty program.

There are a lot of these after market who flung dung warranty companies out there that are cheaper than the one offered by the manufacturer of your vehicle but the manufacturer's warranty covers more components and extra parts that the who flung dung warranty companies do NOT cover.

The sales person will try and push the who flung dung warranty company on you because they make a higher commission on the who flung dung warranty policy.

Pay the EXTRA money and get the GM manufacturers warranty as no matter where you go, If you break down any GM repair facility will honor the policy which they are NOT obligated to honor the who flung dung warranty policy and you could wind up having to pay for the total cost of the repairs and submit your repair bill to the who flung dung warranty company and you will wind up paying more out of pocket expenses for this who flung dung warranty policy.