Cadillac Repair: 96 eldorado center vents not working, climate control system, eldorado center
QuestionI recently had my starter replaced and the mechanic had to remove the engine cover as well as some other hoses and wiring to get to the plenum area where the starter is located. After the repair, I noticed my engine idling rough and I returned to the shop only to discover that the mechanic left the pcv valve hose loose. After he reattached it the car began to idle normally, however once I ran my a/c I noticed that no air came out of the center vents, only the upper (defrost) and floor vents. I took the car back again and one of the mechanics looked at it and claimed that this problem was not caused by them (although right b4 the repair my climate control system was working perfectly). He removed the engine cover again, and at the same time noticed that the vacuum solenoid (which has two arms) seemed to be missing a hose off of the back arm, however he said that this missing hose should be going to the firewall and not from the area under or around the engine cover which they had removed to replace the starter . He proof for this is that the back arm of the vacuum solenoid was pointing downward. My question is: should there be a hose coming off of the back arm on the vacuum solenoid and if so does it go to the firewall as they say, or does it originate from under or near the engine cover area which they had been working on. I am highly suspicious since my center vent was working right b4 and also because they inadvertently left my pcv hose disconnected. Please e-mail me w/further info and a diagram of vac hose routing, solenoid, etc (by the way for further detail the forward arm of vac solenoid does have a hose which heads towards the engine cover area where it seems to branch off into a 'T'). Time is of the essence and I urgently need this info, thanks.
AnswerYour problem is that the vacuum line that goes thru the firewall into the AC/Heater programmer is not connected to engine vacuum.
If you can take pictures of this area and loose vacuum line I can most likely e-mail you back some pictures of where it is supposed to be attached.
Send me several pictures including this vacuum solenoid.
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