Cadillac Repair: cadillac main onboard computer, answer need, computer module

QUESTION: why would windshield wiper switch cause computer to short out, replaced switch and motor and still wiper wont work. Have new computer module.

ANSWER: Need YEAR & MODEL of vehicle. You replaced the wiper switch in the steering column ?.

Why do you think the computer is faulty ?.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: syville 1998 replaced switch in column, Put in new wiper motor and still didnt work, so think it was in the computer, have replacement computer to put in. After installing sterio, breaklights started to continuously blink and did so even after unplugging the sterio, thus I think the computer got messed up.

BEFORE you replace the computer, You need to make SURE that any of the steering wheel wiring did not get damaged and is shorted to ground inside of the steering column or you will blow the new computer.

You will need Electrical schematics, Test procedures and picture locations of the components within the system that is causing you problems of which can't be done on this website which only allows one picture.  I do not have a website so you will have to e-mail: [email protected] in order to obtain the information.