Cadillac Repair: Service Suspension System 1999 Cadillac Seville, cadillac seville, front end alignment

Hello, about a month ago my Service Suspension System warning came on. It came on from time to time after that and I also received the Speed Reduced to 145 km warning. I took the car to the garage but they could not locate the problem.  The codes RSS C1711 and RSS C1712 History were found when the codes were checked.  I had recently put new tires on the car and had the shop do a front end alignment after these codes had come up.  They cleared the codes and I drove for about three weeks until the Service Suspension System warning came on again.  The same two codes RSS C1711 History and RSS C1712 Current were in the codes this time.  The Service Suspension System warning comes on now every time I start the car. Is it safe to drive the car without damaging any electronic modules and do you have any suggestions as to what the problem could be.  Thank you for your help.

Most likely the wires going to the sensors are damaged and or the connectors need to be cleaned or the sensors are bad.

You will need, If necessary, Electrical schematics, Test procedures and picture locations of the components within the system that is causing you problems of which can't be done on this website which only allows one picture.  I do not have a website so you will have to e-mail: [email protected] in order to obtain the information.