Cadillac Repair: transmissions, transmission not shifting

i have a 93 etc with 4t80e trans, it is stuck in first gear. i had shift soleniod broke, put new shift soleniods in and it still wont shift. any suggestions

Hi Shannon,

       Most times putting the solinoids in can repair a loss of gears problem. The thing to do is to have the person that installed them use an ohmeter and make sure they are around 30 ohms resistance. I would have to doublecheck the spec. But suffice it to say they should both be with-in 1 ohm of each other or the computor will get confused and not shift. New parts can be defective or not made propperly. Also double check that the fluid level is correct. Past that there could be internal problems with the transmission like a valve in the valve body sticking or a clutch seal leaking. Lets hope it is something simple like they forgot to hook up a wire to the solinoid. Bill