Cadillac Repair: 88 Caddilac Coupe deville fuel injector prob, pig tails, caddilac

The car Is a champ .. I Take care of it. Blah blah..  Ill be driving with a steady foot ..  Maybe doing 50..  Or any speed..  And one of the injectors goes out ... making the car shake rough idle.. And move extremely slow during acceleration.  I've tried to switch the wires at the pig tails that connect to the throttle body + and - .. And problem goes away but comes back..... Changed pig tails..  And when I move the pigtail that is wrking .. To the injector that is not wrking...   it does wrk..  this is an intermitent problem...  the Mechanic told me that this was the ECM giving out..  Is this true?  And if so.. How much wld be a rough estimate for gettting it fixed all together.. Labor and the parts? The most expensive "ROUGH ESTIMATE"

With my help you can replace the ECM yourself. You will need, If necessary, Electrical schematics, Test procedures and picture locations of the components within the system that is causing you problems of which can't be done on this website which only allows one picture.  I do not have a website so you will have to e-mail: [email protected] in order to obtain the information.