Cadillac Repair: Power steering Pulley removal 1984 seville 4.1L, power steering pumps, auto parts stores

QUESTION: I cannot get the pulley off of the power steering pump.  Pump is mounted to the block and is loose.  You have to get the pulley off in order to get to the Bolts(2) that fasten the pump onto the block.  The heads are completely hidden behind the pulley.  I've tried loaner tools from Auto parts stores as well as bought one.  All I've ended up doing is messing up the removal flange.  There is still a bit of it left if you have any ideas.  The other choice would be destructive removal and replacement of the pump & pulley.  Do you have any suggestions for doing this?

ANSWER: You could have purchased a POWER STEERING PULLEY REMOVER/INSTALLER at most any auto parts store as the pulley is PRESSED onto the pump shaft.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Apparently you didn't read my question completely.  I tried two different removers for pressed-on power steering pumps.  The flange/pulley just won't budge.  If I cannot get the pulley off, I can't get to the Power steering bolts.

Had you used the CORRECT remover/installer FIRST, You would not be in this position. I have yet to see this pulley NOT come off using the correct tool. Your only option NOW is to cut the pulley off and replace the pump. But you will still need the special remover/installer tool to install a new pulley onto the pump shaft.

The part # for the pulley is: J25033 for the installer.
         J25034 for the remover.