Cadillac Repair: AC, pressure ports, torque converter

QUESTION: I have  a 200 devile dhs that the ac compressor wont engage . I checked the lowside for pressure and it shows in on the high side , However the compressor isn't running so that should be normal . The compressor wont even kick on in Defrost mode . Hopefully you know of a way to check this or at least clear the code if it has gone into shutdown . Thank you

ANSWER: What CODE are you getting when the CHECK ENGINE light illuminates ?. As the code displays the word HISTORY or CURRENT will display with it. So I neeed the code and if it is HISTORY or CURRENT.

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QUESTION: when I have the code read it is for the transmission . Something to do with torque converter solenoid sticking . And in the history cylinder six misfire which was fixed There is nothing in regards to the AC .

Put a set of AC gages on the AC low and high pressure ports and see what pressures you have. You will need to jumper the AC relay in order to make the compressor engage. If you would like to obtain pictures and directives, E-mail: [email protected]

You are most likely LOW on freon.