Cadillac Repair: 1995 Cadillac Sedan Deville, cadillac sedan deville, safety switch

QUESTION: I have a 1027 code in HISTORY on my dashboard computer, what does that code mean?  I really appreciate your time and attention to this question.  Thank you

ANSWER: That is an I(eye)027 which means a faulty PRND321 switch on the transmission which will require several pictures and instructions to replace yourself if you are fairly mechanically inclined.

You will need several pictures of which this website which I do not own only allows ONE picture. Please e-mail: [email protected]

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: this code only came up in the HISTORY,i went to my mechanic and he said he does not know what i am talking about or what your e-mail to me meant.he also told me not to worry about it ,can you explain a little more to me about it and what the part is called ,thank you very much

Obviously your mechanic is not well versed in Cadillac. Therefore I would refrain from having him make any repairs without consulting me FIRST as I can provide pictures and directives that he can follow to make the necessary repairs.

The PRND321 switch on the transmission is what was called a NEUTRAL STARTER SAFETY SWITCH that prevented you from starting the engine unless it was in PARK or NEUTRAL.

This website only allows ONE picture and you will need several pictures and directives to diagnose and replace the component. You need to e-mail: [email protected].