QuestionQUESTION: Hi, I have a 2000 Cadillac Escalade. Recently we started having a problem where the car would die while we are driving it. Not just the engine, but electrical power as well. The radio quits, lights go out, there is no engine or electrical. I have made the basic checks like ensuring the battery cables are on tight, etc. Is there something else I can check myself to try and diagnose or repair the problem?
ANSWER: Check ALL your positive battery cable connections that are colored RED from the battery.
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QUESTION: Thanks, I have checked the cables to the best of my ability. There are two cables that come off the battery terminal. One runs off to a "Mega" fuse and has a couple others that lead off from it. They all seem tight. The other cable that comes off the battery appears to run under the block and I have not been able to see where it goes from there.
I have heard from some others that there may be a sensor that could cause this kind of problem. Does that make sense?
ANSWER: I have heard from some others that there may be a sensor that could cause this kind of problem. Does that make sense? HORSE HOCKEY.
The wire that runs under the block goes to the starter bolt connection. This is where you want to check.
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QUESTION: Thanks again for the response.
Ok, so I jacked up the car last night and rolled under. I found where the battery cable attaches. That connection also looks good. I can't wiggle the cable and move the connection. Should I detach the cables, clean the connections, and then re-attach the cables? If so, what do I need to do to prevent shock?
If it isn't the cables what is the next possibility? You ruled out a sensor, what about the Alternator?
AnswerCharge the battery with a battery charger and see if the engine will crank over as you try and start it. If it CRANKS OVER ok but does not start let me know and we can perform some simple tests.
1. Does the engine crank over ?.
2. Does the engine start ?.
3. Is all you hear when trying to start the car is a CLICK noise or do you hear nothing .