Cadillac Repair: 1980 Cad El Dorado gas motor, troubleshotting, plastic connector

QUESTION: car has been sitting for apprx. 3 years started and let run for 1/2 hour and then it died. Didn't try to start it again until today (one week later), starts and runs for a few seconds and then dies, over and over. Tried giving it gas when starting, doesn't help. Had my wife turn it over while I watched and fuel is coming out of the injectors while you turn the ignition but when it starts and you stop turning the key fuel stops flowing to injectors. Let the ignition crank for about 30 seconds and it will stay running the whole time. Changed the fuel filter today hoping that would help but it didn't. Disconnected fuel line at throttle body and turned it over, fuel is getting to injectors just not coming out. Do you have any ideas or suggestions? I read through a couple manuels for troubleshotting for the car and this issue was not in it.

ANSWER: OK, Lets get the fuel pump to run ALL the time whether the ignition key is ON or NOT and see what happens.

Standing in front of the car look near the passengers firewall for a light blue wire with I believe has a green plastic connector attached to it and it is NOT attached to anything.

Put a test light to a good ground source and put the tip of the test light in this light blue wire connector and turn ON the ignition key to the ON position ONLY, Do NOT try and start the engine.

When you turn the ignition ON, the test light should illuminate for 2 seconds and then go out, Does it ?.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I looked on the passengers firewall did not see a wire but I found light blue wire with a green connector on the passenger side next to the valve cover I tested it and it has constent power with the ignition on. Do you think that was the right wire if so whats next.

NO, This is NOT the correct wire.

The wire your looking for will only illuminate for 2 seconds and then go OFF as you turn the ignition to the ON position without starting the engine. Let me e-mail you some pictures of where the fuel pimp relay is located and we can test from there. You will need, If necessary, Electrical schematics and picture locations of the components within the system that is causing you problems of which can't be done on this website which only allows one picture.  I do not have a website so you will have to e-mail: [email protected] in order to obtain the information.