Cadillac Repair: 1994 seville sts, alternator, seville

I was recently given  this car (1994 Seville sts) and have questions.
I read a lot of the posts and was wondering: after you check the codes will the car start back up , or is there something else needed to be done to put the car in driving mode? I read a post about a wiring diagram - do you have one ?

question:  I took the car to a garage and i was told there is a 1/4 amp draw on the battery. The car will not start if it has been sitting( around 12 to 24 hours - depending on the temperature outside. if it is cold , it makes it unstartable sooner). The previous owner had this problem and he replaced the alternator, I was told  the amp draw ruined it. He was told there is a short behind the dashboard. The clime control does not work properly. It mostly just blows on the windshield and not on the floor. Will a code show where the problem/short is? is there any thing I can check myself? I am not very mechanically inclined nor do i have much $$$ for the shop.

question: The car hesitated a couple of times  while going very slow and hitting the gas or at a stop and hitting the gas. I would press the gas pedal and it hesitates for a half second( probably less) but runs fine after that.
My main concern is the first problem - the amp draw> what do you recommend.

Thank you,

A 1/4 amp draw is perfectly fine. However you should normally have approx 1/2 amp draw (0.55) due to the normal draw that the computers use.

Recheck that DRAW again.

You can go ahead and check the CODES and it will have NO effect on further operation of the vehicle.

Let me know what CODES you get.

If an amp draw ruined the battery it would have to be a very high amp daw possibly 10 amps or more over a few days.

If you need diagrams , E-mail: [email protected]