Cadillac Repair: 1991 Cadillac Deville ECM trouble codes explanation, number combinations, cadillac deville
I have a 1991 Cadillac Deville (155,000 miles) with problems. I checked the computer and the following trouble codes came up. The problem is however that the book I have does not tell me what these trouble codes mean or what I should replace. Could you give me that information?
The trouble codes that came up are;
P.2.5 - 365
P.2.4 - 10
P.2.3 - 0.0
P.2.2 - 11
P.2.1 - 22
P.2.0 - 128
P.1.8 - 128
P.1.6 - 0
P.1.4 - .46
P.1.2 - 0
P.0.9 - 0
P.0.8 - 0
P.0.7 - 0
P.0.6 - 3
P.0.5 - 82
P.0.4 - 83
P.0.3 - 98
P.0.2 - 98
P.0.1 - 5.6
Any information you could provide would be helpful.
James Hunt
AnswerThese are NOT fault CODES. Just simultaneously press and hold the OFF and WARMER buttons for 3 seconds and release them, Then you will see LETTER & NUMBER combinations with the word HISTORY or CURRENT displayed with EACH code. The display will stop at PCM?.
Let me know all the codes you get PRIOR to seeing the PCM?