Cadillac Repair: wiring diagrahm for 91 cadalic, amp circuit breaker, fuse box
Questionfuse 15amp aux fuse box crontrols air conditioner cruise control and transmission blows wht to look for
AnswerHi Bruce,
I need to know what model your '91 is otherwise I can't get too specific.
What I would do in your case is since you know what things the fuse feeds power to unplug each item one at a time and then see if the fuse blows. If you discovered that unplugging the a/c compressor causes the fuse not to blow anymore then you would need to look at whatever wires are there and then test the clutch for shorting or useing too many amps to engage the clutch. The thing I would do is buy a 15 amp circuit breaker at the parts store and install it in place of the fuse...that way you don't go through alot of fuses looking for this short. The breaker will trip and then you can turn the key off, unplug something else and then turn the key back on and and see if it continues to trip.
If there has been some work done on your Caddy in the last week or two I would definately recheck that area and see if a wire might have gotten pinched under a bolt. Otherwise if everything on that circuit has been unplugged you will need to start disconnecting connectors if any are in that circuit to isolate it to an area. If for example the short is somewhere behind the dash you could cut the wire at each end and just run a new wire instead of taking the dash apart.
Let me know if you need anymore help. Bill