Cadillac Repair: 1995 Deville issues, lock switch, dash 3

I just bought a 1995 Deville Sedan with 4.9 engine and I encounter the following problems.

1. If the lights are left on, with the key removed from the starter and the driver's door is open the reminding chime does not sound.

2. The Sentinel light does not work The lights do not go on automatically.

3. The electronic right back door lock switch does not work to unlock the door. It does lock the door though.

1, the most obvious problem is a fault with the chime module that needs to be replaced.

2. If you have ANYTHING laying on the dash, REMOVE it as you are blocking the sensor. If this doe not resolve your problem, You will need to replace the sentinel amplifier and diode that is mounted in the dash.

3. Either the door lock switch is faulty and or the lock solenoid in the door is faulty.