Cadillac Repair: trunk, cadillac sedan deville, deck lid
QuestionQUESTION: my trunk will not latch on & close im told this is a commom occurrence for a 95 cadillac sedan deville what are some of the causes, how can i troubleshoot, what can i look to pay in repairs if i cant fix it myself.
Does it latch but not close? Or not even latch?
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QUESTION: it doesnt latch.could i get in through the backseat and latch it myself
If it's not even latching, you should be able to easily diagnose the cause. The latch itself may be bad, or maybe not fully open. This is a simple mechanical issue. Look at the latch and see what's going on. Is the pull-down extended? If not, then the deck lid will need a pretty good slam to get it to latch because of the weatherstripping. If the pull-down IS extended and the deck lid is not latching on to it, misalignment or a latch issue is most likely the problem.