Cadillac Repair: Fuel Line Assmely, cadillac deville, fuel line
QuestionQUESTION: I seem to be having a problem finding a fuel line assmely for my 1990 Cadillac Deville here is AZ . How can this be fixed . HELP
ANSWER: Madeline,
Unfortunately, a car that old is tough to find parts for. What fuel line are you looking for? The one that runs front to back?
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QUESTION: he said it is the fuel line assmely, I had the problem when I lived in PA my auto repair man there didn't have a problem fixing it . It is the fuel line that runs under the car on the drivers side.
The problem you have is that many shops won't do a patch type repair on a fuel system like yours due to a huge liability issue. Also, it's basically illegal to modify the fuel system since once you do, in the eyes of the US Government, it must be re-tested and re-certified to meet their regulations. So, getting the work done without using factory replacement parts may be a sticky proposition. Have you tried doing searches online for the part yourself?