Cadillac Repair: heter only out of vent, vacuum lines, vacuum line

The ac or heat only comes out of the vent. no defog no floor air. also the emergency brake won't release.

You most likely have a broken vacuum line in the engine compartment.

Look up under the dash behind the brake pedal and you will see a vacuum line coming thru the firewall an attaching to a switch that is mounted on the base of the steering column. With the engine running, ONE of the vacuum lines should have vacuum to it. Does it ?.

Also on the AC/Heater programmer located under the dash on the passengers side you will see a block of colored plastic vacuum lines attached to the programmer. In the cenetr of these vacuum lines is a 7mm nut that has to be removed and then you can unplug the vacuum block from the programmer. Check to be sure that you have vacuum with the engine running at the BLACK plastic vacuum line.  If you need numerous pictures showing you where these components are located and numerous pitures are NOT allowed here, You will need to e-mail: [email protected] in order to obtain these pictures.