QuestionQUESTION: U sd bad connection at B terminal. replaced wiring harness to dist. car started then died. unhooked battery, reset computer, started then died. Now code 52 is stored and car wont start.
ANSWER: Are you getting good oil pressure? Verify the circuit from the sensor is closing once the engine is started. Once the engine has oil pressure, it closes that switch and that keeps the fuel pump relay closed. No oil pressure, no fuel.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Now I am confused. There is no spark. If it starts, it doesnt die from lack of fuel. No stumbling like fuel starved. Just stops.
You're SURE that you're only losing spark? Alright, you replaced the harness but do you have a test light on it? Are you SURE you're not losing power on that terminal? Is there a "Tach" terminal hooked up to the distributor? If so, disconnect it and try starting the car.
I just thought, check the EST circuit (white wire I think) for a short to ground.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Yes only losing spark. yes we have 10-12 volts to the distributor from battery. Not losing power. No tach. replaced computer, car started ran 1-2 minutes then died. voltage still there to dist. but no spark. What can interrupt spark if we still have 10-12 volts to dist.?
My guess would be either an intermittent short on the EST circuit, or maybe a bad engine ground. Have you checked for a good engine ground? Good distributor ground?
I know you said you replaced the distributor, does that include ALL internal parts, or did you swap-over some thing(s)?