Cadillac Repair: Schrader Valve, valve question, service valves
QuestionQUESTION: Exactly where is the schrader valve located when looking at the motor from the front of the vehicle? I see 2 valves on the passenger side, 1 closer to windshield and 1 closer to the headlight. I purchased a can of R134a freon with the hose. The hose won't fit either valve?
ANSWER: Andrea,
What year and model car? If your car originally took R-12 the service valves wil require adapters and the procedure is now a "retrofit" and NOT a simple fill.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: 98 Cad Seville. The orig is R134
R134a has a very specific service fitting. The low-side fitting is the larger of the two (same as the old R12 fittings). If you are saying the fittings on the hose do not fit the fittings on the car, I must assume that the hose is the wrong one since your car definitely has R134a fittings.