Cadillac Repair: Installation of Audio, voltage wires, cassette radio

I recently purchased 1995 Deville Sedan. The OEM audio system (Part # 16174346) has only Radio and Tape and I wanted a system that can play CDs as well.  I found another audio made by Delco for Cadillac and I was told it will fit into my 1995 Deville. The part # is 16163906. When I received it I notices that the wires of the "new" audio are different. Also I cannot see an antena receiver on it (a place where  can connect the antenna). How can this "new" audio can be installed?

Do NOT try and install a CD in place of the cassette radio as the wiring is DIFFERENT. Check with some radio shops to see if they have special adapters that will enable you to make this swap.

there are voltages of 12, 05 and 16 volts going to and coming from the radio and if you hook up the wrong voltage wires to the other radio you can FRY the instrument cluster and the computer.