Cadillac Repair: 1992 Coupe Deville, dash unit, digital dash

QUESTION: My battery went dead and when I tryed to start it it clicked.
So put a new battery in the car and now I have no digital dash,fuel,or climate control lights.
I put a rebuilt BCM and checked all fuses and the lights are still out.Can you please help?

ANSWER: Try arming and disarming the anti-theft system with your remote control or use the door key in the drivers door to arm and disarm the anti-theft system and see if everything returns.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you!
But I do not have an anti theft device that I know of and ifso how would I find a remote for this car?I did not find any kind of alarm on the car. Could there be another symptom to cause this issue?

If ONLY the dash lights are OUT and the climate control and other display features work, This would most likely be a fault in the dash unit and or a faulty BCM. If you would like to obtain picture directives and picture test procedures to test to find the cause: e-mail [email protected]