QuestionQUESTION: my key cylinder locked up on me, on my 1990 Cadillac deville witch has a passkey as you probly know ,,, i replaced the cylinder with a gm lock from autozone and know the car with not try to start, im pretty sure its couse the passkey module ,,,so i rigged the resistance pellet from the key to the wires from the original cylinder that reads the pellet,,,,to the pass key module and it still will not attempted to start ,,,,,,,,any suggestions Please help
ANSWER: did you use the ohm meter reading from the OLD ignition key in order to insert the correct resister type into the yellow wire cavity under the dash ?.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: no i just used the original cadillac key pellet from the key ,,,and while i was under the dash i noticed a box that said security,, i just figured it was an after market alarm ,,,,then i found that there is a red wire running to a fuse rigged up with an adapter ,,,so maybe its an after market alarm problem or a quick fix to an old problem (i do no that since i have had the car the radio and antenna have not worked it just shows the wrong time and doesnt turn on
Answermeasure the ohms reading of the key that did work the ignition (the old key) and purchase a resistor with the closest ohms that you can get that your key reads and install it in the YELLOW wire connector under the dash.
If someone installed an aftermarket alarm system you will need to find a facility that installs this particular type of alarm system and have them take a look. OR you can remove the aftermarket and put the wires back to their original locations and we can diagnose and fix the factory alarm system.