Cadillac Repair: 1998 A/C Eldorado, gauge wires, gauge wire

My A/C stopped working this summer, and now the blower does not work this winter. I can barely feel hot air, so I know the heater is working, My mechanic says it is probably a sensor problem and will cost over a thousand. What do you think it might be?

Hi Lawrence,

        With the A/C it could be a sensor, a freon leak or something else...there really isn't anyway for me to sit here and say without testing.

        As for the blower not working. I would say that if you have never had the blower motor replaced that is the most common thing to go bad. It is really easy to test. First you unplug the blower motor connector and using a voltmeter test for around battery voltage at the 2 heavy gauge wires with the key on, blower on high and set to econ or front defroster. Then touch the black meter lead to the heavy black terminal while touching the red meter lead to the other heavy gauge wire. If you have battery voltage then the blower motor is bad and needs to be replaced. Make sure that the sparkplug wires don't come with-in 2 inches of the motor or a stray spark can zap the module that is inside the blower motor housing and ruin a new motor. If the sparkplug wires are original and you have over 75,000 miles this might be a good time to replace the plugs and wires along with the motor especially if one of the wires was too close allowing the spark to jump to the blowermotor.

      If your mechanic "thinks" but doesn't know whats causing the problems it would be a good idea to have another shop do a diagnostic on the a/c and blower motor so you know for sure what needs fixing. Bill