QuestionFirst off my heat was blowing out hot then it gradually got cold now its nothing but cold, Second I took my car for a tune-up now it cuts off on me all the time ( when I sit at lights and everything),and Third I got an oil change the other day and he said it sounds like my water pump is going out, does the water pump make a rouging sound? Please help, I just brought this car in Sept. and still paying on it.I would appreciate any help.
First off, the heat may be as simple as low coolant. If that's okay, then make sure BOTH heater hoses are HOT. If one is, and one isn't, chances are good the core is at least partially clogged. If both are hot, then most likely, the problem lies with the air-mix door control on the inside of the car. Before I get into that any further, I'd want to know just how comfortable you are with these systems, and whether we even need to get into it based on your findings on my previous suggested items to look at.
As far as the car stalling, I'd take it back to the mechanic who did the tune-up. This isn't a cop-out. The point would be for him to be the only one playing with it since any other hands on it would give him ample reason to deny warranty coverage on his work.
As for the waterpump, yes, it can make noise before it fails. Matter of fact, if it's actually making noise, it's failure is probably imminent. That one would be my primary concern since if it fails it could cause some major damage.