Cadillac Repair: key gets stuck -wont turn to off position, key cylinder, cadillac deville

QUESTION: i have a 1990 Cadillac deville, been having problems with starting it but i think i have found that problem, the built in kill switch is not reading the key ,,,,but know the car starts after 3min of waiting, but when i go to turn it off it locks up and wont turn at all leaving the car running, so i have to disconnect the battery and kill it , then take 5 to 10 mins playing with the key cylinder to get it to release it ,,when it finally releases it 1 to 2 turns are real smooth like brand new ,then it locks again ,,, i have noticed that the key cylinder is out more that it should ,,,any advise please help

ANSWER: Billy,
Replace the lock cylinder and chances are you'll fix both problems.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: thanks for the quick response ,,
i have a Manuel for the 90 cadi ,, and it tells me how to replace it but not exactly what special tools if any needed for the repair ,,do you have any hints on what is need or tricks of the trade ,,,,and will a gm key cylinder be ok or does it have to be a Cadillac key with the pass key chip

ANSWER: No "special tools" needed, and the lock cylinder is available at any auto parts store. Does NOT have to be "Cadillac" Part.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: i have replaced the key cylinder and fixed the lockup problem but now the car want start at all ,, what is the next thing to check ,,,is it something with the passkey kill switch please help (very Desperate)

If you installed a Pass-Key type ignition lock cylinder, it should be reading the key you are using just fine. Are you getting a "Pass-Key Fault" signal on the dash? If so, the problem is related to the key, lock, or harness. If not, chances are the problem lies elsewhere.
In THAT case, let's look at what it IS doing:
1. Do you have ignition power to accessories like the radio etc?
2. Is the starter engaging but the engine is just not starting?