Cadillac Repair: 93 caddy sedan deville, string problems, starter relay

QUESTION: I have a 93 caddy sedan deville that is giving me string problems, I've had it at 3 different shops and the only thing I keep getting is it's the battery, well I replaced the battery cleaned all the connections and tightened everything down that was accessible to me. the thing is sometimes it starts and sometimes it won't, when it does start it cranks right over, whe it doesn't start there is nothing, but the lights on the dash still light up and the power windows will roll up and down so it's getting power but still won't start. can you help me out with some info on where else to start looking? thanks for your time jeremiah

ANSWER: When you say it will not start, Are you saying that when you turn the ignition key to start the engine, You hear NOTHING or does the engine crank but just won't run ?.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I mean when I turn the ignition there is nothing, it won't crank at all

You have a fault in either the:

ignition key.

ignition lock cylinder on the steering column.

Pass-Key module under the dash which is part of your security system.

faulty starter relay.

E-mail [email protected] for pictures and picture test procedures to test the syatem.