Cadillac Repair: computer, serial data link, pcm data

QUESTION: i have a 94 eldorado i rebuilt the engine 4.6 i have all history codes but it says (system) i have no temp,oil life, light is on.I change the pcm but system was on with the old one as well. thank you tom

ANSWER: WHERE does it display SYSTEM ?.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: when you push for information it reads system instead of temp, oil life ,volts.   thank you
ANSWER: Tell me ALL the codes that you get and we will see if we can CLEAR (erase) all of them from the computer.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: This is what it says on the dash read out when ignition is turned on it says monitoring system traction disable, service air bag,change trans fuild, then says 'system'.My codes are  no pcm data,I034 current, I052 history, says no acp codes, R026 current, T072 current, T027 current, S027 history, S044 history, S061 history.Also engine light is on, anti lock brake light is on. thank you for your time. Tom

I034 = Loss of PCM (computer) data.

I052 = Instrument panel loss of battery voltage.

R026 = Drivers initiator circuit open.

T072 = serial data link fault.

To27 = left front wheel speed sensor continuity fault.

S027 = right rear solenoid for suspension system has open circuit.

S044 = lift/drive signal fault.

S061 = right front solenoid for suspension system has open circuit.

You have numerous wires to sensors and ground circuit wires that are not hooked up that it will take hours to track down where they all are.

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