Cadillac Repair: A/C 1994 Cadillac, cadillac eldorado, blower motor

QUESTION: I was reading and one of your post is close to the problem, I am having. I have a 1994 Cadillac Eldorado Touring. With the key out. The A/c fan motor comes on and off. It only runs for about 1 to 2 seconds. This was the only problem, but now the A/C sometimes will not blow air. Is there a way to test the blower motor control module, and programmer. Any Idea on cost of the motor and or programmer?

ANSWER: Does the blower motor turn ON and OFF with the ignition key out of the ignition ?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: When the key is turn off... and out of the ignition. The motor will come on and cycle a second. Then turn off. Then it will come back on and back off...  I think it is the motor..

Fault is most likely the blower motor BUT could also be the AC/HEATER PROGRAMMER (ACM). If you want to try a motor it is up to you. I can provide PICTURES and a diagnostic test procedure to you if you e-mail me at: [email protected] and include YEAR, MODEL of vehicle, Your question and this answer when you contact me.