Cadillac Repair: My 91 DeVille, battery cables, assistance bill
QuestionWhat do you think the problem is with my car all fluids check out but it wont starter it sounds like it wants to but wont turn over any advice?
Everything works because the battery is up on charge. If it is over 4 years old it might be bad and a new battery might fix the no start. Take the battery and have it tested to be sure if it is ok. The battery cables need to be clean and tight on both ends. Any corrosion/bluish green stuff needs to be cleaned or the cable(s) replaced.
The starter might be bad. If it just clicks then that could be a bad battery or bad starter. By this point you should know that the battery is good. If the starter is the original one then chances are it is bad and you need to replace the starter and solenoid. The parts store can test it for you once it is out of the car to make sure.
Hope that helps. Let me know if you need anymore assistance. Bill