Cadillac Repair: Power Windows -1995 Cad Seville, juke box, using a voltmeter

The left front power window won't go up or down. Is this the switch or the motor? Thank you!

Hi Heidi,

      With-out testing for power at the switch or motor there is no way to tell. It might even turn out to be a bad wire inside the LF door black rubber boot that is located between the hinges. Because of the age of your car and how many times the LF door is opened a window wire may have flexed in half.

      So the proper way to test the window for power would be to remove the window switch from the door panel and using a voltmeter or test light see if voltage is getting to the switch and out of the switch when the window switch is pushed to the up and down positions with the key on or engine running. If it is then the door panel will need to come off and then remove the wire connector from the window motor. Retest for power on each switch position. If no power on 1 wire then check the boot for a bad wire. If power on both wires then the motor is probably bad and needs to be replaced.

     There is one other way to test and that would be to turn the key on and hit 4-5 times pretty hard on the door panel with your fist on the little finger end...remember how Fonzie used to get the juke box to play ala the Fonzie touch on Happy Days...while holding the switch in the down position. If the window  moves then replace the motor. If the window is down then hold the switch in the up position while hitting the door panel.

     Hope that helps. Bill