Cadillac Repair: 1985 Cadillac Eldorado, cadillac eldorado, alternator belt

The belt around the "sump pump" is what my husband calls it..controls all the other belts...and everytime he replaces it, it gets loose again..and of course then the alternator belt and fan belt down work and the battery doesn't stay charged...why is this happening?

I believe what your referring to is the AIR PUMP belt that goes around the air pump, crankshaft and water pump.

there is an adjustment bolt on the backside of the air pump near the bottom of the pump. You have to crawl under the car to see it. Loosen the 15 mm bolt and you will use a 13mm socket or wrench to tighten the long threaded bolt to tighten the air pump. Don't for get to loosen the front side air pump 15mm bolt also.