Cadillac Repair: 93 Seville Stearing Column, stearing, starter relay

QUESTION: 1. I tried switching a 93 seville stearing column into a 92 seville, with both working keys in their respective locks.  I need to know what else beside the Passkey box needs to be exchanged?  the car will not start and the security light stays lit!  Do I also need to reset codes?

2. I've got a short in the dome lights, any schematic would be  appreciated.

ANSWER: You either need to get the 93 pass-key module or have your dealer reprogram what you have.

As far as electrical schematics, PICTURES are not allowed on this site that I do NOT own. E-mail me at: [email protected]

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: i swapped the passkey box, still will not start.

I check the starter relay and if i ground it out the motor turns over...

I even changed the stearing colum back to original with the original passkey box still will not start

I am missing a step somehow...

perhaps I am changing the wrong box?  the one I a replacing is located on the right side top left?  

any way to eliminate or bypass the security system permantly?

The PASS-Key module is if you have the trunk open and are standing in back of the car looking in at the rear seat back cushion it will be the second box from the right that has one electrical connector. The bigger box is the ROAD SENSING SUSPENSION MODULE which has 3 electrical connectors.