Cadillac Repair: Battery Drain, cadillac sedan deville, amp meter
QuestionOn my 1991 Cadillac Sedan Deville 4.9L I have a continuos 0.47
amp drain with amp meter between positive battery post and positive battery lead. When I pull the 40Amp fuse in engine compartment (Firewall) called ELC the reading goes down to 0.09 Amps. With the fuse out the battery charges fine, but with it in it won't even accept a charge (still takes 8 amps on the charger for at least 2 hours)and never drops below that point until I disconnect the positive terminal, from the battery then it charges fine. If I leave the fuse in overnight it will put a new battery WAY DOWN to almost nothing. Please help if you can. The only things I know for sure thats on that circuit is the heater fan and radio. Thanks, Jerry
AnswerNORMAL amperage draw on the system due to the computers is .50 amps.
Make sure that you fully charge your battery on LOW charge overnight and or if you have an automatic shut off charger leave it on the battery until it is fully charged.
When you buy a new battery from a store they are only partially charged and go flat overnight.