Cadillac Repair: ac problems, cadillac seville, floor vents

QUESTION: 1997 cadillac seville's ac seems to work fine but ever now and then it stops for no appearent reason. Sometimes it comes back on and sometimes it doesn't. If you turn the engine off and restart, it comes back on but can still go out again at any time. No error info from the computer is sent to the screen. Whats wrong?

ANSWER: WHAT stops for no reason. Be more specific.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: The cool air coming from the vents stops blowing, as if it was turned off. Nothing is blowing from the vents.

If NOTHING is blowing from ANY vents whether it be DEFROST, AC vents or FLOOR vents, Your most likely suspect is the blower motor.

Try putting it on DEFROST and see if you feel air from the defroster vents.

I can provide PICTURES and directives to test the blower motor if you e-mail me at: [email protected]