Cadillac Repair: 1996 STS Trouble codes, scan tool, speed down

How do I clear the codes on a 96 STS?

Hi Brett,

     If you have a scan tool that can talk to each computer that is the easiest way. If you start the engine something like 50 warm-up cycles without the code needing to reset then it will clear itself. Otherwise with the ignition key on or engine running push off and red warmer(digital speedo) or off and passenger warmer(analog cluster) for up to 5 seconds until it goes into diagnostics and release the buttons when that happens. Then it will start displaying codes. When it shows PCM? if there are any codes to clear push the fan speed up(yes) and then push fan speed down(no) until you get to clear codes?, push fan up and codes will be cleared. When that happens continue to push no until you see PCM? then push no again and to go to the next computer that stored a code and repeat to clear the code procedure useing the fan up/donw buttons.

      It is a good idea to write down the codes that are stored and if current or history codes so you will know what needs attention should a code return and if it had been stored before.

       After clearing codes just turn the key off and the next time it is turned on the dash will be back to normal. Hope that makes sense. Bill