Cadillac Repair: 1991 Deville 4.9, throttle positioning sensor, two tanks

Seems as if my car is idleing to slow. At times it will die and hard to start. Also seems like it is running too rich. In town mileage is horrible. I can pull codes e26,e55, and e70. I replaced the fule filter and added fuel injector cleaner to the last two tanks of fuel but neither provided any help. What are your thoughts?

E26 = Shorted throttle switch circuit.

E55 = battery was disconnected at some time in the past.

E70 = Intermittent Throttle Positioning sensor (TPS).

I can provide pictures which are not allowed on this website and test procedures for you to do to repair these codes. If we have to replace the TPS, There si a specific procedure and re-learn procedure that MUST be followed.

E-mail me at: [email protected]