QuestionQUESTION: I have a 94 deville, the car battery kept running down so we took it to the shop and it was the alternator, so we replaced that, then the service ride control light keeps coming on, and the car started becoming hard to start then it shut off and wouldn't start back up again, so we had the started and solenoid tested and both was good they suggested that we make have some corrosion in the battery cable since my battery is new so we got a new wire that connects to the starter to the battery but the car still wont start .... also i noticed my power doorlocks and seat, and horn don't work anymore and when we replaced the maxi fuse it just blew out .... what could be causing this to happen? and how can i fix it i only had the car a few months and runs good so i wanna fix this ASAP thanks also i ran and cleared the codes this is what came up,
po52, po109, io52, 5026, 5061, 5011, 5021, 5016, ro62
i cleared the codes but i cant drive the car to see if they come back
please help
ANSWER: Are these codes HISTORY or CURRENT codes ? Go ahead and erase them anyway and turn ON the ignition and see what comes back.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: The code were history and when i erased them they havent came back since the car cant start can you tell me what those code ment and the car still isnt starting i want to at least have an idea what could be wrong with my car when i take it to the shop
AnswerP052 = PCM (computer) keep alive memory reset.
P0109 = PCM (computer) keep alive memory reset.
I052 = IPC (instrument panel) Reset indicator.
S026 = Ride suspension system fault in the right rear solenoid.
S061 = Right front position sensor fault in the Ride suspension system .
S011 = Left front solenoid fault in the Ride suspension system .
S021 = Left rear solenoid short in the Ride suspension system .
S016 = Right front solenoid fault in the Ride suspension system .
R062 = Redundant Supplememtry indicator fault in the air bag system.
NOTE: you CANNOT use these codes to diagnose any faults with the vehicle UNLESS you know if they are HISTORY or CURRENT faults.
History codes that the faults could be intermittent and or were driver induced or caused by battery disconnection.
Which maxi-fuse blew ?. If you can send me a picture of the one that blew and a picture of the fuse panel that it is in I m,ay be able to provide an electricakl schematic to you.
What size engine >?