QuestionQUESTION: Car down 18 months pending cam & timing kits installation; then, taken for freeon (recharging)interior failed to blow through dash or window defroster. Blower blows, but, no delivery. Vacuum line through firewall leads to some kind of vent controler (??). Such line is seen under glove compartment attached to, or, at least, going through a bracket. The bracket blocks viewing of any such controler. What is the actual name of this device that directs the air vents? Please drop me an e-mail.
ANSWER: Hi Elbert,
The name of the part that you are refering to is the programmer. The vacuum hose that comes into the car behind the glovebox goes to a 5 way vacuum hose connector on the programmer and is held in place with a 7mm nut if it is still there. If you remove the nut and fitting vacuum should be at the connector from the black tube.
BUT...if you remove it it is my opinoin that there won't be any vacuum there because the 3/8" vacuum line is off in the engine compartment. What happens is the metal line gets bent and then the vacuum hose doesn't stay on. Where you need to look is on the RR corner of the intake manifold where the air cleaner vacuum hose attaches. On the firewall side is a 3/8" vacuum port with a hose. What I have done is use a hose clamp to make sure the hose stays in place. It would be a good idea to replace that short section of fuel line and then install clamps.
Let me know if you need anymore help.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: I have not been able to have a mechanic check out these details as yet. I have ran on google "air vent programer," "air control programer," and, variations of same. Am unable to get anything or any diagram to further identify such programer. Are there other identifying names for tjis vent control?
AnswerHi Elbert,
Unless you subscribe to AllData on their website you may not get any info on the programmer and its location useing a free search. Unfortuneately I don't have anyway of sending pictures but if you ask the other Caddy expert he can send pictures and might have one he can send you.
That said the thing to do is to remove the glovebox by removeing the 6 screws and then pulling out the box part. Then behind it you will see a black plastic rectangular box aprox 2" wide by 9" long and 5" deep. On the bottom will be the 5 way vacuum connector that I was talking about and on top is a threaded rod.
Since you had the engine work done and then the air stopped comming out of the vents correctly I would encourage you to remove the air cleaner housing and look in the right rear of the engine and see if the 3/8" vacuum hose is hooked up to the vacuum fitting. There could also be a differant hose that was left off so further checking would need to be done.
Hope that helps. Bill