QuestionQUESTION: greeting kind sir, im seeking a answer to a problem with my 96 seville sls, it has 107k miles and cant pass inspection because the enging light is lit. I took to a reputable tech, heres what he did, coils replaced,2oxygen sensors repaced injectors tests and working fine even swapped them around and it still runs lean in the front, I had a chem injected into the engine that was supposed to expand the rings and cut down on the little smoke I would occasionally see in back. the enginge light only comes on while car is idling at a light or in driveway, the fuel pump pumps in the 43-46 psi while idling, and in the 50`s while on the road im told, the mechanic even tried putting a new fuel pump on the ca. the only time the engine light vanished is when the regulator is disconnected from fuel line.It vanishes imediatly.
If I run the car without the regulator will that cause other problems? Do you have any ohter ideas to help me?
Thanks in advance,
ANSWER: You MUST have the regulator put on the fuel system or you will have driveability problems and more engine light faults.
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QUESTION: ok, any idea what can be causing the original problem, could a bad valve cause this problem?
ANSWER: Any type of vacuum leak from any hose and or the intake gasket or any exhaust leak at the exhaust manifold or connection prior to the oxygen sensor or an EGR gasket leak or EGR leak and any mechanical engine problem such as a valve can cause this fault. Spray around all the vacuum lines and the intake with an aerosol can of carb cleaner and the engine speed will increase when you hit a vacuum leak. Be CAREFUL when spraying around the spark plug wires.
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QUESTION: OK, Ive been told that all gasket and hoses have been tested for leaks, how would you explain the disconnecting of the regulator fixing this fault
ANSWER: By disconnecting the regulator you are putting more fuel pressure at the injectors and when the injector fires it sprays in more fuel thus causing the oxygen sensor to see a higher fuel to air ratio and turns out the engine light.
You can test the regulator and or simply replace it. I would lean more towards an intake manifold gasket leak or vacuum leak of some kind.
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QUESTION: thank you for your response, unfortunatly another problem arose today.I was a very wet rainy day, damn near flooding conditions,my traction controll lite is now lit.The brakes emit a winding grinding sound. after awhile the abs lites up but goes away. The car is not starting in second gear. what do you think?
ANSWER: Check the computers for codes.
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QUESTION: the current codes are pc1571, tc0073
ANSWER: CLEAR the codes from the computer and drive the car and see what codes return.
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QUESTION: how does one clear the codes?
Answer1. Igniton ON.
2. Simultaneously push and hold the OFF and WARMER(^) buttons on your climate display for 3 seconds and release them.
3. Once you see PCM? Push and release the HI button and you will see PCM DATA?
4. Continue to push and release the LO button until you see PCM CLEAR CODES?
5. Push the HI button and you will see PCM CODES CLEAR. Wait 3 seconds and press the OFF button to return to PCM?
6. Keep pressing the LO button until you see TCS?.
7. Push and release the HI button and you will see TCS DATA?
8. Push and release the LO button until you see TCS CLEAR CODES?
9. Push and relaese the HI button and you will see TCS CODES clear. Wait 3 seconds and press the AUTO button.
10. Turn ignition OFF.
11. Re-enrter diagnostics nad see what codes appaer and if they are CURRENT or HISTORY codes.